Test 3. Fractions with MathJax and TeX

The following test verifies the required coding to display fractions in standard text book mathematical notation.
1. Use CSS positioning (absolute, relative) to control placement of page elements based upon US Letter size. The selected pages can then be printed directly from a web browser (Print Preview with scaling such as 90% of original page size) or rendered into a standard pdf document (wkhtmltopdf).
2. wkhtmltopdf is located at ~/dientoan/php/wkhtmltox/bin/wkhtmltopdf (original version is wkhtmltopdf-i386, 11 MB). The latest static version (35 MB) has issue with old version of glibc and source compilation.
3. Default fonts are defined at /usr/share/fonts/default/truetype (link to Windows fonts).
4. Test CSS usage, can use either dollar sign or backslash-paretheses pairs as TeX delimeters. All CSS font characteristics seem to work, except font-family. The mathsf (sans-serif) option looks more legible at certain point size. Fonts selected with unicode (Impact) seems to work.
5. Placement of columns and number of items per column is under program control.
6. Footer, header placement, with copyright and optional date and page number.
7. Multiple pages with Print Preview (page count/number of pages).
8. Answer keys and summary page.
9. Choose correct fonts for pdf documents without browser.
10. Option to specify number of items per answer key page and font size.
11. jQuery tests with shorthand and pdf generation (javascript delay is set at 90 seconds).
12. WordPress plugin (fraction).
13. Option to box the result on answer key.
14. The following section can be generated in Acrobat pdf format with these default settings:
14.1. Add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.
14.1. Operands are either mixed number or proper fraction (numerator < denominator). 14.2. Denominators can be same or different. 14.3. No negative result if doing subtraction. 14.4. All fractions are in simplest form only (simplified with gcf). 14.5. Small fractions only (both numerators and denominators are < 20). 14.6. No 0-numerator. 14.7. No 1/1 fraction or integer operands (6/2). 14.8. No 1-denominator (per operand). 14.9. Operands can be same or different operands (same operands yields 0). 14.10. Mixed number result is đisplaye on answer key (if 0, display improper & mixed). 14.11. No 0-result, 0-operand (bit 9 ?). Not implementẹd 14.12. LCM common denominator (product/GCF). Not implemented. [fraction items=60 itemcolumn=15 columns=2]