6. MathJax symbols


  • For inline formulas, enclose the formula in $...$. For displayed formulas, use $$...$$. These render differently: ni=0i2=(n2+n)(2n+1)6 (inline) or


  • For Greek letters, use \alpha, \beta, …, \omega: α,β,ω. For uppercase, use \Gamma, \Delta, …, \Omega: Γ,Δ,,Ω.

  • For superscripts and subscripts, use ^ and _. For example, x_i^2: x2i.

  • Groups. Superscripts, subscripts, and other
    operations apply only to the next “group”. A “group” is either a single
    symbol, or any formula surrounded by curly braces {}. If you do 10^10, you will get a surprise: 1010. But 10^{10} gives what you probably wanted: 1010. Use curly braces to delimit a formula to which a superscript or subscript applies: x^5^6 is an error; {x^y}^z is xyz, and x^{y^z} is xyz. Observe the difference between x_i^2 x2i and x_{i^2} xi2.