Daily Linux notes: Important server platform updates

The server platform that supports dvd-replica.com, dientoan.us, todaynopain.com, and homeschoolclass.info was upgraded to a dual Intel Xeon L5420 quad-core (total 8 cores) dedicated server with 20TB transfer limit, running Fedora Core 20 64-bit version as of 09/2014.
The following platform issues have been resolved successfully:
1. 1,000 GB disk space is available for /home users. Additional 1 TB for backup.
2. vsftpd issue is resolved with configuration update (seccomp_sandbox=NO).
3. php 5.6 installed.
4. wordpress 4 was installed with existing database transferred.
Set up notes.
The database is maria with better performance than mysql.
Convert editor font from Consolas/13px to Verdana/14px to maintain backward compatibility.
5. sage and maxima.
yum install maxima
6. wkhtmltox tools are available with proper truetype/otf fonts.
rpm -ivh tar.restore/wkhtmltox-0.12.1_linux-centos6-amd64.rpm (38M).
7. mathjax and jsxgraph are available.
8. 2 unique IPs are available ending with .231 and .232. All supported websites and emails are directec to .231. Use nslookup dientoan.us to verify the IP address after 1-hour expiration.
9. Ability to delete hard-coded Home page on the menu bar (using Trang nhà). Update the page layout to support full width of main column (fit to browser page).
10. .bash_history is kept up to 100,000 last commands with no duplicates. If history is not desired, make a soft link to point .bash_history to a null device (/dev/null) to delete all command logs after each session exit.
11. sendmail and milter-greylist.
12. povray 3.7 using 8 cores. The following packages are needed for a successful compilation from source: gcc-c++, boost, boostlib, boost-devel, libjpeg, libjpeg-devel, libtiff, libtiff-devel, autoconf, automake, ImageMagick (to convert .ppm to .jpg format).
To build povray from source:
./prebuild.sh (to generate ./configure file).
./configure COMPILED_BY=”MyName
LIBS=”-lboost_system -lboost_thread”
make and su make install
Perform tests with Poser, DAZ 3D models, and Windows version for cpu benchmarking.
povray scenes/advanced/benchmark/benchmark.pov +w512 +h512 +a0.3 +v -d -f -x +FP8 +Obenchmark.ppm (use ImageMagick to convert to jpeg).
13. Finale documentation (2009, 2010, 2011, and 2014)